
Document Type

Book Review


Biologic Variation in Health and Illness. Race, Age and Sex Differences. By Theresa OverAeld. xiv+178 pp. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Nursing Divi­sion, Menlo Park, California, 1985. $13.95. (Reviewed by Charles Hoff, University of South Alabama) Human Growth and Development. Edited by J. Borms, R. Hauspie, A. Sand, C. Susanne, and M. Hebbelinck. xvi+836 pp. Plenum Press, New York, 1984. $125.00. (Reviewed by Lawrence S. Greene, University of Massachusetts/Boston) The Analysis of Prehistoric Diets. Edited by Robert I. Gilbert, Jr. and James H. Mielke. xiv + 436 pp. Academic Press, New York, 1985. $65.00. (Reviewed by Jan F. Simek, University of Tennessee) Energy Intake and Activity. Edited by Ernesto Pollitt and Peggy Amante. xiii + 418. Volume 11: Current Topics in Nutrition and Disease. Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, 1984. (Reviewed by Michael A. Little, State University of New York) Reviews of Thirty-One Creationist Books. Edited by Stan Weinberg. 74 pp. National Center for Science Education, Inc., Syosset, New York, 1984. $5.50. (Reviewed by Kathleen M. MacQueen, State University of New York) Brief Reviews By Michael A. Little, State University of New York: Textbook of Contraceptive Practice, Second Edition. By M. Potts and P. Diggory. xiii + 467 pp. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1984. $24.95. Human Ecology. The Story of Our Place in Nature from Prehistory to the Present. By B. Campbell, x + 198 pp. Aldine Publishing Co., New York, 1985. $8.95. The People of South Asia. The Biological Anthropology of India, Pakistan, and Nepal Edited by J.R. Lukacs. xxiv + 465 pp. Plenum Press, New York, 1984- $55.00. Medical Anthropology in Ecological Perspective. By A. McElroy and P.K. Town- send, xxiii + 482 pp. Westview Press, Boulder, 1985.
