"Book Reviews " by Human Biology Editors

Document Type

Book Review


The Neolithic Transition and the Genetics of Populations in Europe. By Albert J. Ammerman and L. L. Cavalli-Sforza. xv + 176 pp. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1984. $25.00. (Reviewed by Frank B. Livingstonr, University of Michigan) The Phenomenon of Man Revisited. A Biological Viewpoint on Teilhard de Chardin. By Edward O. Dodson, xix + 257 pp~. Columbia University Press, New York, 1984. $25.00. (Reviewed by Edward E. Hunt, Jr., The Pennsylvania State Unviersity) Human Identification. Edited by T. Rathbun and J. E. Buikstra. xx + 435 pp. C. C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, 1984. $54.50. (Reviewed by Wilton M. Krogman, Lancaster, Pennsylvania) The Wonder of Being Human. By Sir John Eccles and Daniel N. Robinson, x + 182 pp. The Free Press (Macmillan), New York, 1984. $16.95. (Reviewed by Peter J. Donovick, State University of New York) The Origins of Modern Humans: A World Survey of the Fossil Evidence.Edited by Fred H. Smith and Frank Spencer, xxii + 590 pp. Alan R. Liss, New York. $70.00. (Reviewed by Richard G. Klein, University of Chicago) Origins of Human Ecology. Edited by G. L. Young. 415 pp. Benchmark Papers in Ecology, Volume 12. Hutchinson Ross Publishing Co., Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, 1984. (Reviewed by Stephem B. Brush, University of California) Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. A Round Table on Research. Edited by G. W. Salt. 130 pp. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1984. (Reviewed by Bruce Winterhalder, University of North Carolina) The Synergism Hypothesis. A Theory of Progressive Evolution By Peter A. Corning. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1983, 492 pp. $12.95 (Reviewed by Kathleen M. MacQueen, State University of New York) Handbook of Physiology. Section 10: Skeletal Muscle. Edited by L. D. Peachey. 688 pp. American Physiological Society, Bethesda, Mary­land (distributed by Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore), 1983. $145.00. (Reviewed by Robert M. Malina, University of Texas) Evolution. The History of An Idea. By Peter J. Bowler, xiv + 412 pp. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1984. $10.95. AND Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Biology. An Anthology. Edited by Elliott Sober, xiv + 725 pp. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mas­sachusetts, 1984. (Reviewed by Michael A. Little, State University of New York) Genetic Epidemiology. Volume 1, Number!. Editor-in-Chief D. C. Rao. 88 pp. (No. 1), published quarterly Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, 1984. $130.00 U.S. institute rate, $50.00 U.S. personal rate. (Reviewed by Michael A. Little, State University of New York)
