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Vo2 max has been measured in 106 White, 217 Mestizo and 70 Black boys 6-16 years of age in Colombia. Subjects were selected for nutritional normality by including only those within ±5% of Colombian norms of weight for age and weight for height,. There were no racially based differences in total V02 max (L/min), when Vb2 max was expressed in terms of body weight (ml/kg/min/or in the regression lines of V02 max (L/min) on body weight. Nor did socioeconomic status influence the maximum exercise response of these children.


Running heads: Columbian should be Colombian. P. 553 (Abstract, line 3): within ±5% should be above —5% P. 554 (2nd para., line 2): Columbian should be Colombian P. 568 (2nd para., line 1): was should be has P. 569 (4th para., line 1): within ±5% should be greater than —5% P. 571 (line 2): public hair should be pubic hair P. 572 (2nd para., line 4): omit ) at end of line (4th para., line 6): communization should be communication P. 573 (Under Literature Cited) Espenschade: Wuart should be Quart Hutinger: preformance should be performance Internation: Internation should be International Dfence should be Defence Malina, 1973: acrivity should be activity Paradis (line 2): or should be of Rueda-Williams: Williams should be Williamson P. 574 Smit (line 3): insert comma after Bar-Or P. 565 Table 5. In the next to the last column of the field under “Black,” omit 51.4 ± 5.2 from rows 5 and 6 and move the remaining figures in this column up two rows. P. 566 Table 6. V02 in box heads should be V02
