"Book Reviews " by Human Biology Editors

Document Type

Book Review


Molecular Evolution II. Biochemical Evolution and the Origin of Life.Edited by E. Schoffeniels. xiv + 398 pages. American ElsevierPublishing Company, New York, 1971. and Evolution by Gene Duplication. By S. Ohno. xv + 160 pages, 28 figures.Springer-Verlag, New York, 1970. (Reviewed by John Buettner-Janusch, Duke University) The Biopsychology of Development. Edited by E. Tohach, L. R. Aron­son and E. Shaw, xx + 593 pp. Academic Press, New York. 1971. (Reviewed by Ronald Baenninger, Temple University) Genetic Concepts and Neoplasia. A collection of papers presented at the 23rd annual symposium on fundamental cancer research, 1969 at University of Texas M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Insti­tute at Houston, xiii + 620 pp. Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, 1970. $17.00 and Progress in Medical Genetics, Volume VII. Edited by Arthur G. Steinberg and Alexander G. Bearn, xi + 243 pp. Grune and Stratton, New York. 1970. $16.50. (Reviewed by Edward E. Hunt, Jr., Pennsylvania State University) Physicians Fact Book: Selected Measurements on 10,000 Israeli Males.By J. 11. Medalie, II. A. Kahn, II. N. Neufeld, E. Riss, and J. J.Groen. (Reviewed by M. S. Goldstein, Silver Springs, Md.) Thermal Comfort: Analysis ami Applications in Environmental Engi­neering. P. O. Fanger. Copenhagen, Danish Technical Press, 1970, 244 pp., Danish kr. 88, U.S. $12.00. (Reviewed by Robert M. Malina, University of Texas at Austin)
