
Volume 6, Issue 1 (2020)

Introducing Clinical Decision Science

Clinical decision science explores how the complex interacting aspects of clinical care are described, understood, shared, and explained. This includes both biomedical and medical social sciences, in addition to other ways of understanding human experience. This is a unique area of scholarship that has not previously been recognized, explored, studied, or published.

Read more in the Editor's introduction to this issue

From the Editors

Original Research


Clinical Decision Science emphasizes unique social context in a way that Evidence-Based Medicine does not
Karen Weaver MD, Michelle Diebold MD, Zeinab Rizk MD, Ghada Mustapha MD, Wafa Algahmi MD, Aaron Rivkin MD, Nicholus Yee MD, and James Peter Meza

Clinical Decision Reports


Valbenazine has a small but meaningful benefit for tardive dyskinesia
Joseph Friedli, Ryan Quick, Reem Sobh, and Samantha Cowing

Reflections on Clinical Decision Science


When rationing becomes part of clinical decision-making
Christopher A. Hopper and Mitra Bahaee


COVID-19, colleagues, confusion, and conversations
Nathanael R. Sanchez M.D.; Katherine S. Lee , M.D.; and Karen Weaver M.D.

Clinical Research In Practice 6(1)