Research Mentor Name

Dr. Melanie Hanna-Johnson, MD & Dr. Anil N. F. Aranha, PhD.

Research Mentor Email Address &

Institution / Department

Wayne State University/ Department of Education/ Internal Medicine

Document Type

Research Abstract

Research Type


Level of Research



Introduction: Developments in technology, such as the popularity of mobile devices and social media outlets, have enhanced the ability of individuals to communicate. Currently, search engines allow for easy exploration of information related to every topic of interest. Our study purpose was to evaluate the impact of technological and social collaborations on sexual and reproductive health knowledge (SRHK).

Methods: A 50-item survey instrument, integrating factors of sociodemographics, number/type of social collaborations, technological communication use, and SRHK, was developed to assess familiarity with sexual and reproductive health perceptions. The survey was provided to consenting patients in an ambulatory, primary care setting. Data was coded and analyzed using IBM-SPSS. Statistical analysis included: Pearson correlation, t and Chi-squared tests. Statistical significance was established at p < .05.

Results: A total of 75 patients completed the study, mean age 57.4 + 15.2 years, 87.7% female, 79.5% African American, 97.2% had an education level of High School or above, and 68.5% had incomes < $ 50,000. The study group had a mean SRHK score of 9.0 + 4.3 on a scale of 0-18. The quantity of technological communications (p < .001), as well as number of social collaborations (as measured by weekly visits with relatives, neighbors and friends), both, were positively associated with SRHK.

Conclusions: Our study indicates that amplified technological communications, together with increased social collaborations, may have a significant beneficial impact on SRHK, thereby enabling an improved awareness of sexual health among the participants. More research studies to advance these results are merited.


Community-Based Learning | Community-Based Research | Community Health | Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Gender and Sexuality | Health Communication | Immunology of Infectious Disease | Medical Education | Medicine and Health | Medicine and Health Sciences | Other Social and Behavioral Sciences | Preventive Medicine | Primary Care | Public Health Education and Promotion | Theory, Knowledge and Science | Women's Health


The completion of the survey was voluntary, and none of the participants were compensated. The authors are very appreciative of time and efforts of those who embarked in the study.
