Document Type
Conference Proceeding
In any library setting reference services are the main activity with the public. The reference librarian represents the library’s interface, the library’s window. It’s at the reference desk that library users have their information needs met with the help of reference librarians. The article discusses three models of reference services and focuses on librarians’ customer-oriented attitude and behavior.
Library and Information Science
Recommended Citation
Anghelescu, H.G.B. “Serviciile de referinta: Cheia succesului unei biblioteci” [Reference Services: Key to Library Success]. In: Dimensiuni manageriale in activitatea institutiei info-bibliotecare: Concepte, experiente, orientari [Managerial Trends in the Activity of Info-Documentation Institutions: Concepts, Experiences, Prognosis]. (edited with Ludmila Corghenci) Chisinau: Universitatea Libera Internationala din Moldova, 2008, pp. 56-60. ISBN 978-9975-934-40-4.
In Romanian