"Hiring and Training Work-Study Students: A Case Study " by Laura Manley and Robert P. Holley

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This paper describes the implementation of a comprehensive hiring and training program for library work-study students designed to reduce the time spent on individual training. After staff reductions, Marygrove College Library in Detroit, Michigan turned to an underutilized resource--work-study students. Formerly, training these students took so much permanent staff time that the library questioned investing so much effort on a contingent work force. With the cuts, the library reconsidered the value of work-study employees and devised a hiring and training program to choose the best candidates for the position and to reduce the effort full-time staff spent training new workers.


Library and Information Science | Training and Development


NOTICE IN COMPLIANCE WITH PUBLISHER POLICY: Copyright in this article belongs to the authors. This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of the article, published in College & Undergraduate Libraries 21(1), 76-89, first published online 25 Feb 2014, and available at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/10691316.2014.877739. This version has been formatted for archiving.
