"Random Ramblings - Patron-Driven Acquisitions, eBooks, and Economic Self-Interest " by Robert P. Holley

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What is the appropriate role of economic self-interest in collection development? The quick answer most likely depends upon your type of library. Patron-Driven Acquisitions (PDA) is based upon the premise that academic libraries should focus their purchases upon materials immediately needed by their users in these times of economic stress. The availability of digital resources, print-on-demand, and the out-of- print book market makes it possible to acquire most materials just-in-time rather than the old model of stockpiling resources just-in-case. While this model reduces the number of current purchases, the advocates of PDA contend that they are not responsible for the economic well being of publishers and that publishers need to find ways to change their business model to meet the new economic realities.


Library and Information Science


Originally published as:

Holley, R. (2013). Random ramblings - Patron-Driven Acquisitions, eBooks, and Economic Self-Interest. Against the Grain, 25(2), 75-76.

