"Interindexer Consistency, Term Usage, and Indexer Experience Levels in the Applicatio . . ." by Joan E. Beaudoin

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


This study concerns image indexing and the affect of indexer experience levels on interindexer consistency and the choice of indexing terms. Owing to the importance of concept-based indexing for images, this investigation will provide information for the development of basic criteria for image indexing practices. Four groups of participants with varying degrees of image indexing and subject expertise will be studied through an interactive Web site. A questionnaire will gather information on indexer experience levels and basic demographic data, and an image component of the study will gather indexing terms applied by the participants. Quantitative analysis will be conducted on the data resulting from the questionnaire, while qualitative methods will be employed for analyzing the indexing terms assigned by the participants. The study will examine the multiplicity of term types applied to images (generic description, identification, and interpretation) and the degree of indexing difficulty due to the accessibility of representation and subject content of the image. It is hoped that this study will lead to a deeper understanding of the role of indexer experience in image indexing, which in turn can inform the processes utilized to enhance access to digital collections of visual materials.


Library and Information Science
