"Vlsi implementation of digital circuits " by Opinder Sharma

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WSU Access

Date of Award

January 2011

Degree Type


Degree Name



Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Harpreet Singh



VLSI Implementation of Digital Circuits



May 2011

Advisor: Dr. Harpreet Singh

Major: Computer Engineering

Degree: Master of Science

Digital design circuits have applications in many fields, such as the communication, automotive and entertainment industries. The applications of digital circuits are becoming increasingly frequent in daily use such as computers, cell phones, televisions and remote control devices, etc. Consequently, a need arises to have a procedure to design chips from the digital circuits. There are a number of softwares, which are currently used for designing a chip from the digital circuits. Verilog and VHDL are a hardware description languages, which have attracted the attention of a large number of digital designers. In this thesis, unformed procedures to use different software for FPGA implementation and chip designing are developed. These procedures are discussed using real time applications, which are impact source determination and crack detection.

The problem of crack detection is important in the army, aircraft and automotive industries. In this type of problem, there is an increasing interest in finding out the source for the determination of the crack. We are interested in determining the source of impact. The idea of impact source determination is to identify the source from which the impact originates. There are various algorithms to determine the source of impact and crack detection. In this thesis, we have suggested a fuzzy logic approach for the determination of the source of impact and crack detection. This thesis also suggests a procedure to develop a chip for impact source determination and crack detection. It is hoped that such an impact source determination chip will be useful in the hand-held devices.

This thesis also proposes the development of a chip for the password protected system. The password protected system is used to stop the unauthorized access to any vehicle or building. Unauthorized access is a big concern for the army and automotive industries. Consequently, there is a great need for the password-protected system. That system can be installed in vehicles and buildings to stop unlawful activities. The password-protected system uses the network with the base station to give the access to vehicles and buildings. This thesis also proposes a procedure for the FPGA implementation for the password protected system. The approach used is to write a program in hardware description language (using HLSM) which can be used for the FPGA implementation.

It is hoped that these techniques will helps in the development of new chips for a large number of application.

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