"Simulation Of Momentum Correlations With The Hijing Model " by Dorian Keith Bohler

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WSU Access

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name



Physics and Astronomy

First Advisor

Claude A. Pruneau


We study predictions of number and momentum correlation functions in heavy ion collisions based on the Heavy Ion Jet Interaction Integrator (HIJING). This work is part of a research program designed to establish whether dynamical effects other than viscosity can induce broadening of the C correlation induced by Gavin et al. Specifically, two million Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s)=200GeV were generated and a number correlation R2 and a similar correlation with momentum information C where analyzed. We observed an increase in the width of R2 and C with the respect to the evolution from most peripheral to central event classes. Additionally, we did not observe significant differences in the qualitative features of R2 and C. Further work must be done to investigate some outlying data points in this study.

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