"The Hurttienne And Meyer Lots Of Corktown, Detroit– A Historical Archaeological Study . . ." by Graham Sheckels

Access Type

Open Access Thesis

Date of Award

January 2015

Degree Type


Degree Name




First Advisor

Thomas W. Killion


This thesis examines two historical archaeological excavations at the Hurttienne and Meyers properties in the Corktown district of downtown Detroit. A series of houses were built upon these lots in the late 1800's, and were occupied for more than a century, before burning down and being bulldozed in the 1980's. Both single family households and boardinghouses are represented at these sites. Data has been compiled and mapped using Geographic Information System (GIS) software, interpolating contour maps for both lots. These interpolations are further overlaid with building footprints obtained by georectifying Sanborn and other historic maps. Comparison of different excavation layers within and across the two sites illustrates site formation processes that have occurred on these lots, as well as refuse disposal patterns. Compiling of documentary record information on the residents, as well as comparison of the ceramic assemblages with other 19th-century sites, has yielded information on working-class consumption patterns.
