"Interactive Software Package For Image Enhancement In Sonic Infrared Nde Technology " by Loai M. Ahmed-Babikir

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WSU Access

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name



Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Xiaoyan Han


Noise in an image can be introduced from the image capture mechanism. It can be thought of as an area of a skin that is burned and needs skillful surgery to make it blend smoothly with the surrounding skin. The best place to get a patch skin for the surgery is to use the skin from the same body. For the eyes not to recognize any abnormality in the surgery, the patch and noise areas have to be blended as gradually as possible. A visual C++ GUI interface is developed for ease of using the mouse in selecting the noise and patch areas to be blended. How much of a blending should be done is controlled by the blend width (BW) parameter. As the BW increases, the greater is the area for blending and the better the surgery would look. Two blending algorithms, elliptical and rectangular, are used to blend the noise area and the patch area to the extent specified by the blend width.

When surgery is not an option, the user can build a new image by selecting the components needed from the old image, hence, bypassing dealing with the noise area completely.

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