"Great Expectations: How Are Couples Influenced By Threatening Information Prior To A . . ." by Angelia Marie Corley

Access Type

Open Access Thesis

Date of Award

January 2014

Degree Type


Degree Name




First Advisor

Annmarie Cano


The present study examines the effects of a threat manipulation on romantic partners, in which one partner is about to undergo a painful task. Couples were randomly assigned to high and low threat manipulation groups, designed to alter one's anxiety or fear about the task. The study broadened the theoretical model, the Fear Avoidance Model, to the incorporate the social context and derived hypotheses regarding the role of one's romantic partner in the present paradigm. Results demonstrated preliminary evidence that a romantic partner may reduce one's anxiety about a painful task. Additionally, satisfaction with a conversation with a intimate partner was found to predict later pain perception.

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Psychology Commons
