"Workplace Homicide: The Threat Of Stranger Violence And Intimate Parter Violence In T . . ." by Dennis M. Savard

Access Type

Open Access Thesis

Date of Award

January 2013

Degree Type


Degree Name




First Advisor

Mary C. Sengstock


Violence in the workplace has become an important issue for the modern-day security manager. The modern-day employer continually faces a variety of threats that originate from within and beyond the confines of the workplace. As the workforce becomes more diverse, the modern-day employer will face new issues. Increasingly, employers are confronted with instances of intimate partner violence (IPV) at the workplace. The context of such threats creates unique circumstances in terms of how employers should respond. The modern-day employers' responsibility is evolving into areas that were once thought to be beyond the purview of their duties. Having knowledge of the increased risk of IPV associated with women at the workplace, understanding the various practices and policies that help prevent workplace violence, and recognizing the characteristics of the workplace stalker can well serve the modern-day employer when responding to IPV at work.
