"Lithogeochemical And Stable Isotope Characteristics Of Bristol And Northern Thorneloe . . ." by Zachary Grant Stevison

Access Type

Open Access Thesis

Date of Award

January 2013

Degree Type


Degree Name




First Advisor

Edmond H. van Hees


The Porcupine Mining Camp located in the southwestend of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt has been mined extensively for its prolific precious and base metal enrichment. This study targeted Bristol and Northern Thorneloe, fifteen kilometers southwest of Timmins, ON, an area that is of economic interest for its gold mineralization. Rock samples were collected (drill- core and outcrop) throughout both townships and analyzed for their major and trace element composition, These were used to determine hydrothermal alteration signatures as well as specific elemental enrichment that relate to gold mineralization in Bristol-Thorneloe Township. Quartz-carbonate and quartz-carbonate-tourmaline vein samples were also collected near rock samples to determine δ18O and δ13C isotopic concentrations. These values were used to determine the fluid temperature and isotopic signatures for gold mineralization in the study area. After evaluation barium, strontium, phosphorus, and CO2 enrichment was found in anomalous gold (>25 ppb) enrichment zones. These elements demonstrated evidence that supports of mobilization in auriferous fluids in Bristol-Thorneloe Township. The isotopic analysis determined the gold bearing fluids in the study area to 303° to 403°C with δ18Oqtz values of 13.5 /, similar to other mesothermal gold in and outside the Porcupine Camp.
