"School-Based Community Television " by John Kotarski

Access Type

Open Access Thesis

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name



Interdisciplinary Studies Program

First Advisor

Ronald Aronson


This thesis develops a new model for teaching media literacy through school-based community television. It traces the history of television from its use as a military and commercial vehicle intended for control of many by a few, to Internet enabled television produced by individuals for personal expression or amusement. In addition, it traces the criticism of commercial media from post-World War II to the present through writings of philosophers like Martin Heidegger and Herbert Marcuse as well as social critics Noam Chomsky, Neil Postman, Todd Gitlin, and Susan Jacoby. Finally, the thesis details the author's personal experience adapting high school television curriculum for civic use.

The thesis includes an appendix that offers several curriculum overviews the author has designed at Mount Clemens High School in Mount Clemens, Michigan, between 1992 and 2007. These projects trace the author's exploration of the civic nature of community television.
