"Influence Of Target Population Misspecification On Employee Perceptions At A " by Joe Lee Smith

Access Type

Open Access Dissertation

Date of Award

January 2014

Degree Type


Degree Name



Education Evaluation and Research

First Advisor

Shlomo Sawilowsky


Numerous researchers have conducted qualitative and quantitative studies examining employee perceptions related to changes in their work environment based upon management/top-down (deductive) communication of vision, mission, and envisioned organization goals Hofstede, Neuijen, Daval, Ohayv, & Sanders (1990), but research on the influence of subgroup/identity types on workforce perception is sparse Dutton, Dukerich, & Harquail (1994). Data on subgroup identification with the mission and strategic goals envisioned by management/administration is limited. Also limited is knowledge of the influence they have over their members, which places management at a disadvantage in planning strategic organization objectives Albert & Whetten, (1985). These subgroups have the ability to influence member as well as non-member organization behavior and perceptions Dukerich et al. (2002); Huemer, Becerra, & Lunnan, (2004); Pratt & Foreman (2000).

The ability to correlate and interpret employee and employee subgroups/identity type perceptions of the organization, its perceived identity, and envisioned culture enables management to recognize influentially positive or problematic elements within the organization that would affect and influence strategic planning, goal implementation, organizational reputation, economic funding, status, and other essential functioning Puusa & Tolvanen (2006).
