"An analysis of economic achievement experienced by graduates of a Perkins funded Sing . . ." by Angela M. Reeves

Access Type

Open Access Dissertation

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name



Curriculum and Instruction

First Advisor

Dr. Joseph Sales


This descriptive study examined the economic gains achieved by community college graduates who participated in an urban based Perkins funded Single Parent and Displaced Homemakers program. Indices included ethnicity, age, program of study, salary and wages, age at graduation, length of time required to complete the program, wage, job, and program assistance satisfaction as well as recommendations for program improvement and income reported by certificate of achievement and associate degree graduates as compared with pre-participation income. The college data base, program application, college graduate survey and a modified college graduate survey were included in the research design that had a 23% response rate. These conclusions were drawn from the finding of the study: 1. Single parent and displaced homemaker program completers who receive a certificate of achievement or an associate degree obtain program related employment. 2. These graduates report job and wage satisfaction and believe their family is better off as a result of their education. 3. The income produced by this employment averages $27,000 in salary and wages and effectively removes these graduates from poverty. 4. Despite age, single parent and displaced homemaker students often complete associate degree and certificate graduation requirements within four years, frequently with more than one degree and/or certificate. Preference for health related programs was followed by programs in social science, arts and other, and programs in business and technology for these graduates. 5. Upon program completion, most single parent and displaced homemaker students will continue their formal education. 6. Most single parent and displaced homemaker graduates have support systems outside of the institution and one or two dependents. 7. Single parent and displaced homemaker students have a need for financial support (for tuition, books, supplies, uniforms, equipment, and child care), above and beyond that provided by need based aid and welfare assistance; as well as a need for support provided by counseling, career exploration and access to information.
