"Do high school English teachers' and their students' perceptions about writing become . . ." by Adnan Mohammad Salhi

Access Type

Open Access Dissertation

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name



Curriculum and Instruction

First Advisor

Dr. Karen Feathers


In this dissertation the researcher studied whether or not high school English teachers' and their students' perceptions about writing became more closely aligned after a semester of interaction. Four teachers, two males and two females, and their students were repeatedly surveyed, interviewed, and observed over time. Teachers were balanced on gender, educational level, and years of teaching experience. Students were balanced on gender, grade level, and letter grade in English. Data were categorized and analyzed using the methods of constant comparison and recursive analysis. Findings indicated that students' perceptions became more closely aligned with their teachers' perceptions on the issues of defining writing and the importance of grammar and mechanics in writing. There were differences in students' perceptual alignment with the teachers' perceptions. These differences were gender and letter grade related. Findings also indicated that students' attitudes toward writing and their self-concept as writers were negative. This negativity persisted and increased regardless of teacher variables. Implications for education and research are included.
