"Eye Tracking " by Editorial Staff

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A second grader is seated in front of a computer monitor in Wayne State University's children's reading lab, reading aloud from The Wolf's Chicken Stew by Keiko Kasza--a story of a wolf with exceptional culinary skills. As he reads, a cursor appears on the screen, marking the path that his eyes make as he reads: following the text, then zigzagging to the illustration of the wolf carrying a stack of pancakes, back to the text, then to a second illustration, showing that the time is night. By tracking eye-movement patterns of elementary-age children while they read aloud, Karen Feathers, Ph.D., and Poonam Arya, Ph.D., both associate professors of teacher education in the College of Education, are discovering how elementary-age children strategically process text. Of particular interest is readers' use of visual cues within texts to construct meaning while reading.
