"Moving Beyond the Campus to Community " by Amy Oprean

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Wayne State University’s commitment to improving human conditions is far reaching, and the School of Social Work has taken this on as a serious challenge. In 2008, the school launched a new center that merges research and practice – with the goal of improving both. The culmination of strong leadership, hard work and years of planning, the Center for Social Work Practice and Policy Research is a state-of-the-art hub that will assist WSU faculty in their research, engage in partnerships with Detroit community service providers and communicate social work policy and practice information to the public. “We’re trying to generate and disseminate knowledge that improves the lives of the disadvantaged through research, consultation and dissemination,” said Joanne Sobeck, Ph.D., associate professor and director of research in the School of Social Work, and the center’s inaugural director. Since its induction, the center has served as a dynamic resource to Wayne State faculty members for support in their research, outside community organizations for technical support and collaboration opportunities, and the public for developments in social work research and policy.
