"Translating Science to Improve Urban Health . . ." by Julie O'Connor

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Wayne State University has a long-standing commitment to bringing change to urban health, particularly through research on disparate outcomes in disease, prevention and cure experienced among different ethnic, cultural and socio-economic groups. Through WSU’s Research Enhancement Program to Support Clinical Translational Science in Urban Health, the university is joining together researchers from multiple institutions. These teams bring together expertise from their respective disciplines to analyze problems from many perspectives, with the goal of resolving them across a variety of domains such as biological, psychological and environmental. By fostering multidisciplinary clinical and translational research at WSU, its affiliates and collaborating institutions, WSU hopes to be a true academic home for research that will impact healthcare throughout the United States and beyond. One such project funded through this initiative has great potential in aiding the control and management of community, family and school- based interventions of asthma and potentially other diseases in children and adults in the cities of Detroit and Windsor. The study, Linking Geospatial Information with Public Health Outcomes: Modeling Asthma Morbidity Across an Urban International Border, is potentially one of the first international studies that is comparing and contrasting environmental indicators with specific health outcomes in cities with shared pollution sources, yet very different healthcare systems.
