Gradient Recovery and A Posteriori Estimate for Bilinear Element on Irregular Quadrilateral Meshes
Document Type
Technical Report
A polynomial preserving gradient recovery method is proposed and analyzed for bilinear element under general quadrilateral meshes. It has been proven that the recovered gradient converges at a rate O(h1+rho) for rho = min(alpha, 1) when the mesh is distorted O(h1+alpha) (alpha > 0) from a regular one. Consequently, the a posteriori error estimator based on the recovered gradient is asymptotically exact.
Number in Series
Applied Mathematics | Mathematics | Numerical Analysis and Computation
AMS Subject Classification
Primary 65N30, Secondary 65N15, 41A10, 41A25, 41A27, 41A63
Recommended Citation
Zhang, Zhimin, "Gradient Recovery and A Posteriori Estimate for Bilinear Element on Irregular Quadrilateral Meshes" (2002). Mathematics Research Reports. 5.
This research was partially supported by the National Science Foundation grants DMS-0074301, DMS- 0079743, and INT-0196139