"RFLPs of the APOB Gene " by G Debenedictis, O. Leone et al.

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Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at codons 2488 (XbaI), 3611 (MspI), and 4154 (EcoRI) of the apolipoprotein B gene were investigated in sample groups from Athens (Greece) and Calabria (southern Italy) to verify whether the distribution of the APOB gene variants in Calabria, where Greek colonization occurred in the eighth century B.C., reflects that of the present Greek population. A sample from Apulia, a southern Italian region having a history different from that of Calabria, was also analyzed. Three specific DNA regions, each containing the polymorphic site, were amplified by polymerase chain reaction on 243 samples, and the restriction data for the three groups were compared. The allelic frequencies of the samples from Apulia and Greece showed variability patterns that agree with those found in Caucasians, whereas the Calabrian sample shows remarkable peculiarities, mainly for the EcoRI RFLP. Linkage disequilibrium analyses of pairs of markers showed strong D linkage values between X-M markers, whereas the D linkage values between M-R markers were too small to be reliably estimated. Last, for both Apulians and Greeks, X-R markers showed linkage disequilibrium, whereas for Calabrians they did not. Estimates of XMR haplotypic frequencies were computed; they were found to be appreciably different between Calabrian and Greek samples, whereas the frequencies in the Apulian sample were approximately midway between those in Calabrians and Greeks.
