"Book Reviews " by Human Biology Editors

Document Type

Book Review


Genetics: Human Aspects, 2d ed., by Arthur P. Mange and Elaine Johansen Mange. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Associates, 1989. 591 pp. $38.95. (Reviewed by Gabriel W. Lasker, Wayne State University)

Human Biology and Behavior, 5th ed., by Mark L. Weiss and Alan E. Mann. Glenview, 111.: Scott Foresman/Little, Brown, 1990. 624 pp. $33.95 (cloth). (Reviewed by Kenneth A.R. Kennedy, Cornell University)

The Anatomy and Biology of the Human Skeleton, by Gentry Steele and Claud A. Bramblett. College Station, Tx.: Texas A&M University Press, 1988. 291 pp. $55.00. (Reviewed by M. Anne Katzenberg, University of Calgary)

Evolutionary Jurisprudence: Prospects and Limitations on the Use of Modern Darwinism throughout the Legal Process, by John H. Beckstrom. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1989. 168 pp. $24.95. (Reviewed by Eugenie C. Scott, National Center for Science Education)

Physical Anthropology, 4th ed., by Philip L. Stein and Bruce M. Rowe. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1989. 512 pp., glossary. $32.95 (softcover). (Reviewed by Martin K. Nickels, Illinois State University)
