"Book Reviews " by Human Biology Editors

Document Type

Book Review


Human Skeletal Remains: Excavation, Analysis, Interpretation, 2d ed., by D ouglas H. U belaker. Washington, D.C.: Taraxacum, 1989. 172 pp., 164 fig., 38 tables, glossary, index. $20.00 (cloth). (Reviewed by Paul Sciulli, Ohio State University)

Lab Manual and Workbook for Physical Anthropology, by Diane L. France and Arthur D. Horn. St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1988. 186 pp. $17.75. (Reviewed by Marie Elaine Danforth, University of Southern Mississippi)

Symbiogenesis: A Macro-Mechanism of Evolution. Progress towards a Unified Theory of Evolution Based on Studies in Cell Biology, by Werner Schwemmler. Berlin and Hawthorne, N.Y.: Walter de Gruyter, 1989. (Reviewed by Lorena Madrigal, University of South Florida)
