Fairy Tale Review | Vol 13 | Iss 1

Volume 13, Issue 1 (2017) The Translucent Issue

When Kate Bernheimer and Managing Editor Joel Hans announced that the thirteenth installment of Fairy Tale Review would be The Translucent Issue, I think we were all curious to see what would emerge as the final product. It was, essentially, a break from tradition. Up until this point, Fairy Tale Review has used color as the guiding principle for each of the issues—aquamarine or ochre, violet or blue—in homage to Andrew Lang’s famously hued fairy books. And in some ways, colors are an easier, more obvious entry point into the world of fairy tales. After all, who has trouble recalling the red cape of the girl who enters the woods? Or the skin white as snow? Or an emerald city? The relationship between color and story is perhaps a hallmark of the genre. But translucency? Now that is a horse of—well, you know.



The Translucent Issue
Kate Bernheimer

The Translucent Issue

Founder & Editor
Kate Bernheimer, University of Arizona
Managing Editor
Joel Hans, University of Arizona
Prose Editor
Benjamin Schaefer, University of Arizona
Poetry Editor
Jon Riccio, University of Arizona
Advisory Board
Donald Haase, Wayne State University
Maria Tatar, Harvard University
Jack Zipes, University of Minnesota
Associate Editors
Margaret Chapman, Emily Coon, Matthew Schmidt, Janet Towle
Jarrett Eakins, Andie Francis, Laura Miller, Peyton Prater, Elka Weber
Editorial Assistants
Wren Awry, Brianna Bartos, Sarah Briggs, Jared Hughes, Richard Leis, Lucy Randazzo
Original Print Design
J. Johnson, DesignFarm
Cover Art
Kiki Smith, "Born"
(courtesy of the artist)
Tara Reeser