"Costal landmarks of the lung and pleura inferior margins " by Sean Mutchnick

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In this video we share a quick Jovigram or mnemonic to jog your memory the next time someone asks: What rib does the inferior margin of the pleura cross in the mid-axillary line!?!? (Note: During your actual experience of this there may be more or less '?' and '!') Start with 6 and add by 2 and in a few seconds you'll have mapped out the inferior margins of both the lung and pleura.

A jovigram is a diagram that simplifies complex structures or concepts down to simplistic sketches, most commonly comprised of simple geometric shapes. It is a go-to mnemonic for studying and rapid recall. Jovigrams are designed to be simple enough to picture in your head after drawing a few times so that you rapidly recall its details.


Medicine and Health Sciences


Costal landmarks of the lung and pleura inferior margins by Open Source Medicine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
