"Field-Initiated Resarch to Predict Work-Motivation Among Navajo Vocational Rehabilita . . ." by Jennie R. Joe and Dorothy Lonewolf Miller


This study presents the results of field-originated, field-based research on the Navajo reservation analyzing the motivation to succeed and the willingness to follow through of Native American clients in vocational rehabilitation (VR) programs. The study was divided into two components: 1) Socio-cultural differences between employed and unemployed Navajo reservation dwellers were analyzed and a number of statistically significant variables were found that correlated with successful employment. 2) These findings were then tested with an intensive case study of one "successful" Navajo VR client and one "unsuccessful" Navajo VR client. Interviews with these VR clients highlighted and verified the usefulness of sociocultural factors that are key variables which can be used to predict motivation for Native American clients to participate successfully in a VR program. This research study recommends that VR counselors who work with Native American clients recognize the significant importance of these selected socio-cultural factors in planning VR services for these clients.

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