"Intervention among Children of Subastance Abusers and School Success " by Marguerite E. Bryan


In substance abuse prevention literature findings indicate that children who grow up in households where there is alcohol and other drug abuse are much more likely to exhibit problematic, dysfunctional behavior, such as delinquency, drinking and drug use The purpose of this study was to assess the applicability and effectiveness of intervention among African-American children of substance abusers, particularly in terms of school achievement. A modified version of the student assistance services model was used. Specifically, this study examined the impact of the independent variable—the number of limes the student participated in the counseling program, on the dependent variables of interest fourth quarter grade point average and fourth quarter absenteeism as documented in final report cards. The results indicate that this intervention technique of socialization of at-risk youth toward alcohol and other drugs and toward coping with addiction in one's family improves academic performance among African-American youths.

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