"Faculty-Librarian Collaboration to Teach Research Skills: Electronic Symbiosis " by Navaz P. Bhavnagri and Veronica Bielat

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This article discusses faculty-librarian collaboration to integrate technology in a course that focuses on teaching empirical research methodologies and library research skills to elementary and early childhood education graduate students. Vygotsky’s theory, standards in teacher education, and information literacy standards form the conceptual framework that supports this collaboration. The purpose and procedures of this collaboration, as well as student, faculty, and librarian outcomes, are discussed. This present collaboration on bibliographic instruction and the use of Blackboard courseware is framed within the context of past history of collaboration and future plans to expand this collaboration.


Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Educational Methods | Information Literacy


NOTICE IN COMPLIANCE WITH PUBLISHER POLICY: This is a reconstructed and formatted version of a post print article originally published in The Reference Librarian, (43), 89-90, 2005, 121-138. Copyright © 2005 by The Haworth Press, Inc. Archived by permission. Available online at: doi: 10.1300/J120v43n89_09
