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In order to elucidate the effect of sodium on the activity of ZSM-5 supported metal oxides catalysts (ZnO-Al2O3/ZSM-5 and SnO-Al2O3/ZSM-5) for the transesterification of soybean oil with methanol, ZSM-5 supported metal oxides were prepared with and without sodium hydroxide by impregnation. The metal compositions of the ZSM-5 supported metal oxide catalysts and the metal concentrations dissolved from the catalysts to the methylester phase were measured by SEM-EDS and inductive coupled plasma spectroscopy, respectively. The catalytic activity of ZnO-Al2O3/ZSM-5 and SnO-Al2O3/ZSM-5 containing sodium did not originate from surface metal oxides sites, but from surface sodium sites or dissolved sodium leached from the catalyst surface.


Biochemical and Biomolecular Engineering | Catalysis and Reaction Engineering | Chemical Engineering


This article is the author’s final version after peer-review. A publisher version (Elsevier) of this article previously appeared in Catalysis Communications, (14(10), 2009), available at DOI:10.1016/j.catcom.2009.06.026.
