National Biofuels Energy Laboratory | Chemical Engineering and Materials Science | Wayne State University

National Biofuel Energy Laboratory is the premier research facility for Biofuel research and development. Current projects include "Synthesis, Characterization, and Performance Evaluation of B20 Biodiesel," and "Development of Synthetic Fuel Mobile Power Generator for Homeland Security."

The laboratory is managed by the College of Engineering, Wayne State Unversity, and is established with funding from the Department of Energy.


Submissions from 2010


Effects of Preparative Parameters on the Structure and Performance of Ca-La Metal Oxide Catalysts for Oil Transesterification, Shuli Yan, Manhoe Kim, Siddharth Mohan, Steven O. Salley, and K.Y. Simon Ng

Submissions from 2009


The Effect of Sodium on the Catalytic Activity of ZnO-Al2O3/ZSM-5 and SnO-Al2O3/ZSM-5 for the Transesterification of Vegetable Oil with Methanol, Manhoe Kim, Shuli Yan, Steven O. Salley, and K.Y. Simon Ng