

Criticism and Anthologies

Criticism outweighs its subject matter...
Livio Bobrez. Parnassus Mad Ward: Michael Dransfield and the New Australian Poetry. St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1990. 455 pages. AS29.95.
Robert Darling, Keuka College

'Descant' focuses on the antipodes...
Descant. 66/67. 20.3,4 (Fall-Winter 1989). "A/Z (Australia-New Zealand Writing)." Toronto, Ontario M5S 2S8 (P.O. Box 314): Descant. 226 pages. C$11.00
D.M. Roskies, University of Papua New Guinea

Playwright's profile reflects his milieu...
Brian Kiernan. David Williamson, A Writer's Career. Melbourne: William Heinemann Australia, 1990. 414 pages. Illustrations.
Robert Ross, University of Texas-Austin

UQP issues books on Malouf and Stow...
Phillip Neilson. Imagined Lives: A Study of David Malouf. St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1990. 218 pages.
James Tulip, editor. David Matlouf. St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1990. 321 pages.
Anthony J. Hassall, editor. Randolph Stow. St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1990. 453 pages.
John P. Turner, Jr., Humboldt State University

AAALS conference papers appear...
Journal of Popular Culture. 23.2 (Fall 1989). Australian Issue. Edited by Daniel Walden. Bowling Green, Ohio43403: Department of Popular Culture. 93 pages. 7.50.
Patrick D. Morrow, Auburn University

Anthology (re)covers 19th-century writing...
Elizabeth Webby, editor. Colonial Voices: Letters and Diaries, Journalism and Other Accounts of Nineteenth-Century Australia. St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1988. 484 pages. A$ 17.95.
Robert Zeller, Southeast Missouri State University
